Threat and Vulnerability

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Penetration Testing

Evaluate the security of your networks, applications, and cloud environments with a comprehensive assessment from one of the world’s most sophisticated penetration testing teams.


Block attacks up front, identify threats that bypass prevention solutions, and integrate and automate for greater efficiency and faster time to containment.

Purple and Red Team Exercises

Simulate real-world attack scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of your systems and people, or coordinate blue and red team activities to design new strategies for threat detection and response.

Incident Response (IR)

Retain an IR team, or establish internal IR playbooks that align with your cyber insurance requirements, and ensure you’re ready to execute immediately following a breach.

Web App VA/Testing

Detect and remediate security vulnerabilities within web-based apps before attackers can exploit them.

Managed Threat and Vulnerability Services

Our managed threat and vulnerability services include solution optimization/tuning, managed malware, managed vulnerability scanning, managed IR, managed SIEM, managed scanning, and managed EDR.

1st Floor New World Tower Rang. +998 556 778 345